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Nihin Media K.K. incorporated

Nihin Media K.K. was incorporated on 21st June 2023 with a tagline “Smart Healthcare at your Fingertips”. Manjunatha Chandrappa has assumed the role of Representative director of the company. The company’s mission is to drive digital transformation in the Japanese healthcare market and be the no.1 digital health solutions company in Japan by 2030.
Though Japan is the third largest healthcare market in the world, the penetration of the digital transformation remains lower than some of the developed markets. The country’s aging population, healthcare expenditure, government policies, and economic conditions all will play a pivotal role in shaping the healthcare landscape in Japan in the coming years. To cater to these emerging trends digital transformation will play a major role in delivering the smart healthcare to the people. Nihin Media K.K. is established with an objective to develop smart health tech platforms to build a strong connection between stakeholders and establish easy-to-use and accessible platforms for all irrespective of Age, Gender, and Nationality.
The company has been established driven by the real life experiences of the CEO as a non-Japanese speaking resident and marketing consultant working with several top local and Global pharma companies in Japan.

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